Tenohira Pioneer Village Vol. 1 – Prologue

I was walking through a newly built village in the slightly fragrant sea breeze.

Most of the village is made up of fields and orchards, and you can see sheep and buffalo grazing in the distance. The white cobblestone road that runs through the village is unbelievably magnificent.

Continue reading “Tenohira Pioneer Village Vol. 1 – Prologue”


So I’ve noticed that, according to site stats, I’ve been getting less and less traffic. It’s been a little more than a month, and the first chapter I MTL and edited (chapter 8), has about about 800 views only. Chapter 9 then goes down to a bit more than half that, at almost 500, and the latest one is verily getting to 250. I know those are only stats, but even if some people are slow to progress in their reading, overall, I’d say the people interested in this work is decreasing. So, my motivation to continue this is getting low.

As if that wasn’t enough, the fact that I spend hours doing OCR, is further decreasing my motivation as well. I don’t know if many of you know this, but doing Japanese OCR is hard. I’ve tried different software, but there is no way to always get a perfect result. And even if the software is good, if the image source is not good, is even harder. So I have to actually look at every single kanji in the image, zoomed in, to make sure I actually got the right one.

Thus, I’ve decided that buying the Light Novels in digital format may be for the best. That way I can save a lot of time, don’t have to worry about possible errors in the OCR process, and contribute to the author.

Now, that’s good for me, but seeing as I don’t seem to have much support, I may decide to stop doing this MTL work. Isogashii seems to be active again, and even though he is slow, I’m sure he’s more experienced than me. So I may just keep all this to myself, as I really want to know what happens next.

This is not my final decision, so I may continue, but if I get support from you guys, by helping me buy volumes 8, 9 and 10, then I will keep it up.

📚 Help me buy the novels!

Vol. 08 – Chapter 10 Border Village II

Be Warned, this content is Machine Translated with some editing done from my part. I also try to read the Japanese text and use a dictionary like jisho.org, but my Japanese is at the very beginner level (hiragana, katakana, and less than 500 kanji), so don’t expect much.

I may or may not remove a very small amount of content, only if I wasn’t able to get a good translation, and didn’t affect the story.

Harem Shujinkou

After dinner, I meet Will in his room to discuss how to allocate the points he earned after leveling up on today’s battle. 

There’s a lot of skills he’d wish to obtain, but for now we start by increasing his archery skill to level 3, as part of the essentials.

Once done with the skill points I move to the main topic: having him take her of Francesca.

Continue reading “Vol. 08 – Chapter 10 Border Village II”

Vol. 08 – Chapter 9 Border Village I

Be Warned, this content is Machine Translated with some editing done from my part. I also try to read the Japanese text and use a dictionary like jisho.org, but my Japanese is at the very beginner level (hiragana, katakana, and less than 500 kanji), so don’t expect much.

I may or may not remove a very small amount of content, only if I wasn’t able to get a good translation, and didn’t affect the story.

Harem Shujinkou

Shira’s armor isn’t as scary during daytime, but as expected, during nighttime is a different story. Adding to the unusually evil design coming from the elves, the eerie reflection of her lustrous new dark armor can be quite frightening.

Continue reading “Vol. 08 – Chapter 9 Border Village I”

Vol. 08 – Chapter 8 To the Imperial Border

Be Warned, this content is Machine Translated with some editing done from my part. I also try to read the Japanese text and use a dictionary like jisho.org, but my Japanese is at the very beginner level (hiragana, katakana, and less than 500 kanji), so don’t expect much.

I may or may not remove a very small amount of content, only if I wasn’t able to get a good translation, and didn’t affect the story.

I don’t know what happened to isogashii, but he’s probably isogashii (to be busy). I appreciate his work, and I also hope some of you appreciate my effort. (if you read this isogashii, I hope you don’t mind me, and you keep doing your stuff, I’m not try to rush you, or takeover. And thanks for your hard work.)

Harem Shujinkou

We gathered in the living room and decided to discuss the trip from tomorrow with Francesca.

First of all, it takes about a week to reach Fort Blumdar on the Hiragis border. It’s four days from there to Ken no Sato.

Continue reading “Vol. 08 – Chapter 8 To the Imperial Border”
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